Read the documentation of the UML-to-C# ( forward) transformation component for more details. 阅读关于UML-to-C(正向的)转换组件的文献获得更详细的信息。
The documentation repository is also a key component of any business continuity plan and provides the basis of all training, support, maintenance, and disaster recovery efforts. 文档存储库也是任何业务连续性计划的关键部分,它为所有培训、支持、维护和灾难恢复活动提供基础。
The documentation on each component lists the properties it publishes, the actions it consumes, the values for these, and the effects of setting them. 每个组件的文档都列出了它发布的属性、使用的操作、这些属性和操作的值以及设置后的效果。
However, the nameserver documentation for your application server should explain where you will start in the namespace when you make a lookup for an EJB component. 不过,应用服务器的命名服务器文档应当说明在查询EJB组件时将会从名称空间的什么地方开始。
The only other step is to contact ( by phone, or e-mail, or in some cases, paper documentation) the developers who use your code if you don't build a customer-facing component. 如果没有创建一个面向用户的组件,下一步是联系(通过电话或电子邮件、或是书面文档)使用您的代码的开发人员。
Consult the documentation provided with any particular component to see what settings can be applied. 查阅特定组件附带的文档,以确定可以应用什么设置。
And, when the new landing gear arrived, the accompanying documentation didn't comply with aircraft component regulations and certification requirements. 并且,当全新的起落架到货时,随到的文件不符合飞机部件规定和合格性要求。
See the documentation that comes with the component to learn how to change its configuration. 请参见组件随附的文档,了解如何更改其配置。
Local agricultural documentation is an important component part. 地方农业文献是农业文献的重要组成部分。